If you own the old downloadable version of Riddle Me and need to transfer it to a new computer, you can do so by following these steps.
1) If you don’t still have your receipt and unlock code, run Riddle Me on your old computer and click help/about to get your unlock/registration code. Write it down.
2) Install Riddle Me on your new computer. If you didn’t save a copy of the installation program you can get it here:
Windows version
Mac version
3) Unlock the program on your computer with the unlock/registration code.
That’s it. The old version of Riddle Me has approximately 5,000 riddles on about 400 objects.
The new online version of Riddle me has, at this date, over 15,000 riddles on about 1,300 objects. There are new features and updated clip art for fun clue backgrounds and content is constantly being added to enhance the product for everyone.
If you aren’t sure if you want to upgrade, there is a 60-day money back guarantee that you’ll be 100% satisfied with Riddle Me.
As the owner, I don’t ever want someone to pay me for something they didn’t get value from. My own children ask for Riddle Me hunts at birthdays and holidays because they’re just a lot of fun. Expanding Riddle Me is my way of helping others have fun and build family bonds.