Sure, it may still be a little chilly outside, but just about everyone is tired of winter and ready for spring. So this is the perfect time to wake everybody up with a great outdoor scavenger hunt game. Since Riddle Me can be customized, you can use it to create all kinds of themed games. Here are a few suggestions:
Go Gardening. A park or landscaped back yard is best for this. Scout around ahead of time to see what might be budding already. Daffodils are early bloomers, as are crocuses and hyacinths. How about garden sculptures? There have got to be gnomes or ceramic frogs around somewhere. Note those and use them in your clues. You can even hide clues in garden tools and hope somebody will get the hint.
Get Classical. For older children and adults, put images of great classic composers like Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven around the house at each of the clue locations. As the players gather them up you can have them work to identify the composers by name or facts about their lives and what they composed. Maybe even play a little “guess that tune” with famous clips from each composer. You can’t leave out Beethoven’s 5th symphony’s famous da-da-da-dum!
Be Literary. A favorite book or series makes a great theme for a scavenger hunt. Clues from a book like The Hobbit leap to mind, and you can incorporate graphics from the movie as well. As a matter of fact, any favorite movie, or even a highly anticipated movie, can be a great theme. Depending on the time you have and the trouble you want to take, you can bring the Halloween costumes of favorite characters out of storage for a spring costumed scavenger hunt.
With Riddle Me, there’s no end to the fun you can have doing outdoor scavenger hunt riddles for a party even when the last clue is solved. Try it out today.